It’s a beautiful day
The sky is blue
And my mind is clear
No worries here
– there’s nothing to fear
It’s a beautiful night
The sky is clear
And my mind is blue
Here we go again
Here we go
[Here comes the night]
The night is dark
and I’m wide awake
My restless legs
kicking at the bed
My eyes won’t close
Hey, what’s that sound?
Ghosts are haunting
my restless mind
[The night is dark and full of horrors]
The morning comes
with the morning light
like a saviour
A fresh new day
chase the ghosts away
– what a blessing
I feel no fear
all ghosts are gone
when the light comes
I feel no fear
all ghosts are gone
when the light comes
The smell of coffee
in the morning
gets me on my feet
It’s a long, long day
to keep yourself awake
when you’re tired
I’m loosing count of the coffee
I need
to get me through the day
The evening comes
and I’m half-asleep
by the tv
[Here comes the night]
The night is dark
and I’m wide awake
My restless legs
kicking at the bed
My eyes won’t close
Hey, what’s that sound?
Ghosts are haunting
my restless mind
[The night is dark and full of horrors]
The morning comes
with the morning light
like a saviour
A fresh new day
chase the ghosts away
– what a blessing
I feel no fear
all ghosts are gone
when the light comes
I feel no fear
all ghosts are gone
when the light comes
I feel no fear
all ghosts are gone
when the light comes
I feel no fear
all ghosts are gone
when the light comes
[Such a blessing]
I do have a blogg where I sometimes write about my releases (most blog posts are in Swedish).